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The Library

This project was inspired by a photo of one of the Reading Rooms at the New York Public Library.

I started with the room basics: walls, textures, windows, chandeliers, and tables. Eager to add people, I used a macro to generate random sitting people.

Next, I added some architectural details as well as the bookshelves. The book textures are pseudo-random colors picked for a few predefined gradients. I was planning to use focal blur for the background, so I didn't care too much if they looked a bit repetitive.

Then I changed my mind. Instead of a vast room, I started to focus on one person in the room. I modelled the book, and reused some a pen, binder, stickies, and paper pad from previous projects.

I moved the scene from day into night. With feedback from the online POV-Ray community, I was able to improve a number of details.

Detail of the hands. Some of the modelling limitations can be seen.