While looking around for
inspiration, I came across a photo on the Internet of a busy street in
New York. The street was filled with people, cars, and buildings -
three of my favourite subjects. The cars and buildings were pretty
straightforward, but how was I going to render hundreds of people? |
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I've rendered scenes in the past with multiple people. The main problem is that the character meshes and textures consume a great deal of memory (up to a few hundred megabytes each!). I came up with some tips for reducing the memory consumption for my Ipod in D minor image. Here, I needed a different method - one that would allow me to insert hundreds of people. What about a two dimensional solution? | ![]() |
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Billboards A billboard is a 2D image that is inserted into a 3D scene. Using DAZ|Studio, I created a number of 2D images with people (many were models from previous projects). After creating a character, I used the "Front View" (orthographic) camera and positioned the person such that the shoes were touching the bottom of the image. This positioning allows the billboard's shadows to look correct. Next, I rendered the character from eight different angles (45 degrees apart). I used DAZ|Studio's timeline (animation tool) and rotated the model over eight frames. Later, I created two sets of billboards per character: one with flat lighting and one with side lighting. The lit billboards allowed for a bit more realism. |
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I set my billboards to 1000x1000
pixels - probably larger than I
needed. I set the renderer to output each frame as a separate numbered
image (see dialog box at left). I saved the images in .PNG format which supports an alpha channel. This lets the "background" show through the billboard. Note: DAZ|Studio appends the frame number at the end of the each output filename. The filenames I picked for each billboards contained the pose (walking or standing), the character number and the angle the character was facing. This scheme is used by the crowds macro to select the appropriate billboard. |
All in all I created about 70
characters (most were from previous projects). About 10 characters were
standing and 60 were walking. For each character there were 8
billboards (with flat lighting) and 8 billboards with side lighting. As
of October 2008, I had over 1100 billboards. The macro to draw the billboards allowed me to select the character, the pose (standing or walking), and the direction the character was facing. These three parameters are used to build a filename that selects the specific billboard image. Additional parameters include the scale (how large to make the billboard), lighting (flat lighting, left lighting, right lighting), the position to place the billboard, and the camera position. The camera position is important because the billboard must be rotated to be perpendicular to the camera. |
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I arbitrarily decided to render each of the billboards at 1000x1000 pixels (250-750kB). Obviously for distant crowds, they could be much smaller. With many instances of these billboards, my scenes were consuming lots of memory. For example, the sample scene at right has 2000 billboards (of only eight characters). This scene consumed 840 MB. I found that POV-Ray would reallocate memory for every billboard instance, even the duplicates. So I rewrote the crowd macro to only allocate each image only once. After this change, the same scene consumed only 33 MB. The key was keeping track of each billboard image as it was needed. Then checking to see if it was already allocated. I wasn't sure that POV-Ray would allow me to create an array of objects, but sure enough it worked. Here's the magic code: |
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Some examples of scenes with my
crowd macro. The audience in my revision of Ipod in D minor. |
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A redo of the parking lot scene. This scene added 3473 billboards to the original scene (with only two people). Although the new scene consumed an additional 2 GB, it rendered 3 seconds faster! |
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Autumn in NYC. |
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A crowd of people standing in
the form of the POV-Ray logo. |
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Note in this image how the
people in the nearest three lanes have flat lighting (they're in the
shade), while everybody else is lit from the side. |
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model (mesh2 format) |
billboard |
memory requirements |
(multiple copies) |
with environment |
placement |
of detail |
time |
Here's a comparison of the
billboard vs. a real 3D model. For some reason, the
textures didn't convert properly, so the colours are slightly different.![]() Note in the orthographic projection, one (or both) of the person's feet always touch the bottom of the billboard. This was important because the bottom of the billboard touches the ground and we don't want the people to be floating off the ground. Once the figure was properly positioned in DAZ Studio, a simple rotation of the person did not change the "height" of her feet. The perspective projection is more accurate as can be quickly seen by looking at the feet. The image appears slightly more three dimensional. When rendering this billboard, I positioned the camera at roughly the same height as the person's head. This point of view means that we will see more of the top of the feet and bag. Unfortunately, when rendering the perspective projection, the "height" of the feet changed everytime I rotated the figure. I had to manually crop the billboard to keep the person grounded. The 3D model is similar to the perspective billboard, but has more accurate lighting and shadows. Note: her glasses reflect the environment and her pants cast shadows on her legs. Unfortunately replacing the billboard with a 3D model added about 300MB to the scene. |
In conclusion,
3d models result in more accurate renders, but come at a large cost in
memory and rendering time. The billboards are less accurate, but
consume much less memory and rendering time. In general, billboards are
probably a better solution for distant figures where shadows,
reflections, artifacts, and perspective distortions are not
visible. In addition, a large number of
billboards are required to avoid the army of clones problem. My crowd macro tries to overcome many of the limitations: