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Enneagram Patterns |
While researching the Enneagram, we often find patterns that reveal commonalities between the types. These are triadic patterns where we find three categories, each containing three types. These patterns show us what we have in common with other types and also areas where were see things very differently from other types. |
The Centers/Triads |
The Center tells us what each type is seeking and their primary imbalance.
The Social Style (Hornevian Groups) |
The Social Style tells us how each type tries to get what it wants.
The Harmonics |
The Harmonics tell us what each type does when it does not get what it wants.
The Object Relations |
The Object Relations tell us the fundamental emotional state that sustains each type's sense of self.
Pattern Viewer (requires JavaScript)
Click on a pattern name on the right and the Enneagram will display which types are included in that pattern.